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HomeTechHow To Enable Reddit Dark Mode? Guide

How To Enable Reddit Dark Mode? Guide

How To Enable Reddit Dark Mode will be described in this article. Turn on Reddit Dark Mode: Do you browse Reddit for intriguing articles to read after everyone else has gone to bed? Your eyes may get strain from a screen with a bright white background. While it’s a useful feature during the day, reading at night becomes challenging while using the day mode. We have some exciting news for all of you Redditors! A dark mode has been added to this platform for users who want to utilise it at night. You’ve come to the correct site if you want to find out how to make it happen.

How To Enable Reddit Dark Mode? Guide

In this article, you can know about How To Enable Reddit Dark Mode here are the details below;

How to enable reddit dark Mode

Because of the white background, it can be challenging to read and post in Reddit threads at night. Additionally, it strains your eyes by making them work harder. The good news is that you are no longer burdened with this. Reddit has developed a dark mode specifically for users just like you. How to make it happen is as follows:

  1. Launch your prefered web browser.
  2. Open Reddit.
  3. Click the down-pointing arrow located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  4. Hold the “Night mode” button up or down.

That’s it! At this point, the dark mode is activated. This function is great since the mode will remain the same till you alter it after you enable it. You are not need to switch the “Night mode” button on and off each night, though. So from now on, enjoy the visually pleasing background.

How to enable reddit dark mode on safari

Which web browser is your favourite, Safari? There’s also a strong argument for using the app to access Reddit. In that instance, you should be aware that enabling Reddit’s dark mode is rather easy:

  1. Turn on your computer’s Safari.
  2. Proceed to Reddit.
  3. Select the shape icon located in the upper right corner.
  4. Turn on the “Dark mode” feature.

How to Enable Reddit Dark Mode on Chrome

Chrome is one of the multiple widely used web browsers worldwide, with a large user base. If you’ve been a longtime admirer, you may open all of your web browsers through Reddit and enable the dark mode.

  1. Launch Chrome and go to the Reddit page.
  2. Locate the avatar in the top-right area of the display.
  3. Locate “Dark mode” and press the button to activate it.

How to Enable Reddit Dark Mode on Microsoft Edge

There’s no reason to use a different browser whilst on Reddit if Microsoft Edge is your prefered one. Furthermore, activating the dark mode is easy:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Proceed to Reddit.
  3. Click the arrow pointing down in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  4. Activate the “Dark mode” feature.

How to Enable Reddit Dark Mode On Firefox

To enable Reddit dark mode on Firefox, users must do the following actions:

  1. Launch Firefox.
  2. Visit Reddit.
  3. Tap the avatar located in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  4. Select “Dark mode.”
  5. Twist it to make the dark mode setting active.

On iPhone, How to Enable Reddit Dark Mode

Are you, however, guilty of using your iPhone to browse Reddit every night before going to bed? You may have heard that it can be difficult to fall asleep if you stare at a screen for approximately an hour before bed. There is something you can do to ensure that the light doesn’t interfere with your sleep cycle, even if you don’t want to break this habit. Reddit may now be accessed on your iPhone in dark mode if you’d like.

  1. Take out your iPhone.
  2. Launch the Reddit app.
  3. Tap on the profile photo located in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  4. The word “Settings” will have a moon icon next to it. Give it a click.

on Android, How to enable reddit dark Mode

If you prefer using Android as your operating system and would like to know how to activate the much-discussed Reddit dark mode, simply follow the instructions in this guide:

  1. Turn on your Android phone & launch the Reddit app.
  2. Locate and click on the avatar in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll to the base of the menu and look for “Settings.” Icons of the moon will be besides it.
  4. To activate dark mode, click this symbol.

How to Turn Reddit to Night Mode

Does Reddit’s white backdrop make it difficult for you to read what you want to at night? Do not fret. There are others besides you. The similar issue affects a lot of nighthawk Reddit members. Fortunately, fixing it is simple. You must enable the new dark mode function in order to use it. If you want to browse Reddit on a computer or a phone, you’ll need to follow different instructions. Whichever browser you use on your computer to access Reddit, the procedure will be the same.

  1. Open your prefered web browser.
  2. Visit Reddit.
  3. Click the profile symbol in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  4. Locate the “Dark mode” menu item.
  5. Toggle the button to make this function active.

However, it is still true that you will do the following if you typically visit Reddit on your smartphone:

  1. Launch the Reddit app on your mobile device.

2 – Select the profile icondiscoveredd at the upper-left corner of the screen.

  1. Look for the “Settings” tab.
  2. To the right of it is the moon icon. To activate dark mode, tap it.

On old Reddit, How to Enable Dark Mode

The dark mode feature is available to a large number of Reddit users. Some folks might not be able to use this function, though. If so, there’s no need to worry. This does not preclude you from using the dark mode. You’ll need to add some extensions specifically. You can use Microsoft Edge, Mozilla, Opera, or Chrome as your browser. This is how to go about doing it:

  1. Access the Reddit Enhancement Suite.

 Go to

  1. Activate Reddit Dark Mode 2 by downloading the browser plugin.
  2. Go to Reddit.
  3. Tap the extension to open it while you’re on Reddit.
  4. The RES menu will appear. Click or tap “Search Settings.”
  5. “Dark mode” type.
  6. Select the “Night mode” menu item.
  7. Toggle “Night Mode On” to make the feature active.
  8. Lastly, click “save” in the upper-right corner of the screen.

As an alternative, you may want to check out this Safari extension that enables you to see dark mode on a variety of websites:

  1. Access Dark Reader.

Go to Dark Reader

  1. Activate Reddit Dark Mode downloading the browser plugin.
  2. Verify that you wish to add an extension when asked.
  3. Tap on the extension after it has finished downloading.
  4. Toggle the “On” button to make the dark mode active.

Keep in mind that if you do this, all websites—not just Reddit—will be in dark mode.

FAQ: How Can Native Night Mode Be Enabled?

Turning on night mode is already possible with most browsers thanks to extensions or built-in functionality. We’ll examine how to get it to function on Mozilla, Chrome, and Safari in this part. It’s crucial to remember that not all websites support the Safari night mode. It is limited to use with blogs or articles such as this one. Also check Reddit apps for Android

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Go to the website you wish to use to activate the night mode.
  3. Select the Reader tab.
  4. Click “Aa” to the right of it.
  5. Select the dark mode.

On Reddit App, How to enable modes?

Thus, here’s how to activate Chrome’s built-in night mode if you use it:

  1. Open the Chrome Store on Google.
  2. Ensure that “Extensions” is chosen
  3. Look up “Dark mode.”

There are numerous variations of extensions available.

Why can’t I enable reddit dark mode?

Users of Mozilla will be able to activate night mode in this way:

  1. Open Mozilla.
  2. Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Customise.”
  4. Scroll to the base of the screen and look for “Themes.”
  5. Click “Dark.”

Here’s how to activate dark mode if you utilize an iPad, iPhone, or Android smartphone to access Reddit apps:

  1. Start your device’s app.
  2. Click the avatar located in the upper left corner of the screen.
  3. Press the lunar symbol situated at the base of the menu.

There is now a night mode activated. Until the user chooses to turn it off, it will remain on.

Why should you enable reddit dark mode?

One of the multiple frequent causalities of users being unable to access Reddit’s dark mode is because they inadvertently activated the app’s automated mode. This is correctable:

  1. Turn on the application on your gadget.
  2. Locate and click on the avatar in the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select “Settings.”
  4. Find “Automatic” under “Dark Mode.”
  5. Switch the button.

Dark mode should now be available for you to select.

Why Should you enable Reddit Dark Mode?

For those who enjoy browsing Reddit after dark, the dark mode option is fantastic. It is preferable to a white background for the health of your eyes and rest. Whether you use Reddit on a computer or a smartphone is irrelevant. Turning it on is simple. You can install add-ons or put your browser in night mode to make all the websites you visit have a dark background. Have you given it a try yet? Is there any way for you to locate it? In the comments box below, share your section. Also check Alternatives To Reddit


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