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How To Add Meta Descriptions In WordPress

Ways How To Add Meta Descriptions In WordPress will be described in this article. Do you require a straightforward method to change the meta descriptions of WordPress posts and pages? Without having to change theme files, WordPress SEO plugins like SEOPress let you add unique SEO titles and meta descriptions to posts.

How To Add Meta Descriptions In WordPress

In this article, you can know about How To Add Meta Descriptions In WordPress here are the details below;

We’ll demonstrate the simplest method for editing meta descriptions in WordPress in this article.

Setting up the SEOPress WordPress plugin

Setting up the SEOPress WordPress plugin

We’ll be using the SEOPress plugin for this lesson.

Yes, there are many alternative SEO plugins available, but after years of testing, we chose this one.

You can install and activate the free version of SEOPress from the Add New Plugin page.

To launch the plugin setup process, select the new SEO menu item from the admin menu. There are only four easy steps to it:

Select the SEO plugin from which you want to import metadata; if you’ve never used an SEO plugin, select Next Step instead.

Give Google’s Knowledge Graph algorithm information about you, such as your business name and social network accounts. – This stage does not require you to complete every field, but you must select a separator, such as | or -.

Select the content types for which indexing should be disabled – For articles and pages in particular, it is recommended to keep all of the options on this stage unchecked. Pages for tags and categories can always be optimized.

Set up advanced SEO settings for your website. Maintain the current settings, but turn on the Remove /category/ in Permalinks option. It improves SEO and results in cleaner post URLs.

I’m done now. Once you’ve finished with the setup, you may return to the dashboard. Don’t worry about selecting this option when prompted at the end; an XML sitemap was already generated for you as soon as SEOPress was installed and active.

Your sitemap settings are always editable. Additionally, SEOPress gives you the option to enable and customize an HTML sitemap to go along with your XML sitemap.

The premium edition of SEOPress does come with extra features. To find out more about the variations between the free and premium editions, go here.

Configuring title and meta settings

The cool thing about WordPress SEO plugins is that they let you customize the SEO title and meta description for each post or page. This is particularly helpful when the blog title you wish to use to promote a post across different marketing channels might not necessarily be appropriate for search engines.

By allowing you to alter the pre-generated default titles and meta descriptions for new posts and pages, SEOPress makes this procedure much more effective.

Go to SEO Titles & Metas Single Post Types to get started. The following tags are automatically included in all meta descriptions created by SEOPress for articles and pages:

Post titles are inherited via the variable %%post_title%%.

It inserts the separator you specified in the setup wizard, %%sep%%.

The title you gave your website on the General settings page of WordPress is inserted using the code %%sitetitle%%.

This would result in the title of the post you’re currently reading being as follows:

The Simple Way To Edit Meta Descriptions | Blogging Wizard

However, since SEO titles must be 60 characters or less, it’s rare that you’ll be able to fit your place title with your post title. Additionally, unless your site title is extremely prolific, it is irrelevant.

It is therefore recommended to at the very least delete the separator and site title tags from the title template for posts. To see if there are any additional tags you’d like to add, look over the list on SEOPress.

Enable the Display Date in Examination Results option if you plan to keep your postings current. Searchers will be able to tell that your posts are more recent than those of others as a result.

If you make original featured photos for your posts, you should also show your thumbnail (featured image).

Please feel free to leave the remaining settings alone. Since page titles are typically shorter than post titles, you should be able to fit your site title in the SEO title. This also applies to the title template for pages.

Before you leave this page, save your modifications.

Editing meta description with SEOPress

Editing meta description with SEOPress

It takes some time to set up a new SEO plugin like SEOPress, but once you have, you’ll have a simple way to change meta descriptions.

Scroll down to the base of a page or post after editing it to view the meta description SEOPress created for you.

Through the tags it employs, you can see how the plugin automatically inherited content. Even pre-made tags are available for simple insertion.

The meta description, which by default inherits the post excerpt produced by WordPress up to the character limit of 160, requires the most improvement.

In relation to that, SEOPress offers a live character counter that will inform you of the character count of your titles and descriptions based on the numeral of characters Google displays in search results.

Underneath all of this is a sample of how your meta description will show up on Google.

Optimizing SEO titles and meta descriptions

Optimizing SEO titles and meta descriptions

Like blog content, SEO titles and meta descriptions are evaluated by two crucial parties: search engines and actual users. For each, you should write in a very distinct approach.

For humans, headlines using the phrases “How To Edit Meta Descriptions – The Easy Way” or “7 Steps To Writing Better Meta Descriptions” are better. They are memorable and offer a clear answer to a particular issue.

For SEO purposes, you should usually place your keyword nearer to the beginning of the title. Our SEO headlines would need to be changed to “Meta Descriptions & the Easiest Way to Edit Them” or “Meta Descriptions: 7 Actions To Optimizing Them For SEO.”

These days, Google may not always use the meta description you have created. Instead, it scans your search query for keywords and synonyms, then displays extracts that include those words.

Because of this, it’s preferable to produce meta descriptions that accurately reflect the searcher’s objective as opposed to producing promotional material.

By doing this, you will enhance the likelihood that Google will use the meta description you created.

Final thoughts

That’s all there is to it, really! You now understand how to change WordPress’s meta descriptions.

What, then, will you discover?


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