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Benefits And Shortcomings Of Multi Touch Attribution

Benefits And Shortcomings Of Multi-Touch Attribution will be described in this article. Not many sales happen right away. Customers research, consider, and are persuaded to accept your offer gradually.

Businesses can gain a more useful understanding of which marketing strategies influence consumers’ decisions at multiple points in their purchase experience by using marketing attribution, sometimes referred to as multi-touch attribution, multi-channel attribution, or MTA. Then, to get additional sales, focus even more on what is effective.

Benefits And Shortcomings Of Multi Touch Attribution

In this article, you can know about Benefits And Shortcomings Of Multi-Touch Attribution here are the details below;

Multi-channel modeling, as opposed to traditional analytics, aggregates data from multiple channels to ascertain each one’s individual and cumulative influence on your conversion rates.

The primary advantage of marketing attribution is self-explanatory: identify high-converting channels and those that contribute to top performance. The disadvantage of marketing attribution is that setting it up requires more work.

Here is a summary of the primary arguments in favor of and against marketing attribution in case you’re not sure whether to start using it.

What are the Benefits of Marketing Attribution?

Do you recall the ancient story about the blind men and the elephant?

Everybody caressed the elephant and made assumptions about its possible appearance. Before deciding to cooperate in order to uncover the truth, the group had differing opinions on the animal and believed the others to be lying.

Similar principles apply to multi-channel analytics, which unifies data from multiple channels and campaign types into a single, comprehensive image. in order for you to align on the effectiveness of various marketing types and to get additional benefits.

Better Understanding of customer journeys

A conversion requires, on average, eight interactions with a prospect. There are three stages to these interactions:

  • Awareness: You must present your business to the intended customers and spark their curiosity about your top-of-the-funnel solution.
  • Thinking: The next stage is to turn this sporadic attention into a focused investigation and assessment of your proposal (middle-of-the-funnel).
  • Ultimately, you must persuade the buyer to accept your offer in order to seal the transaction (bottom-of-the-funnel).

A variety of attribution methods, such as position-based, last-click, and fist-click attribution, can be used to analyze funnels. But each model will highlight a distinct component—or components—of your sales funnel.

A single-touch attribution approach such as last-click, for instance, focuses on the bottom-of-the-funnel stage. You can assess which on-site components or channels helped the prospect close the purchase. For instance, a user accessed the website using an affiliate link and initiated a complimentary trial. In this instance, 100% of the credit for the conversion goes to the affiliate (referred traffic).

But this measurement strategy doesn’t reveal which channels led the consumer all the way to the bottom of your funnel. For example, it’s possible that prior to that, they engaged with one of your landing sites, social media posts, or banner ads.

More refinement is added to funnel analysis with multi-touch attribution modeling. In this instance, you use your website analytics platform to map additional steps in the customer journey, such as the activities, occasions, and pages that led a visitor to decide to convert.

Better Understanding of Customer Journeys

Next, choose a multi-touch attribution model, which enables you to track many channels prior to the conversion and offers additional backward visibility.

An example of an attribution model is Position Based, which provides information on all the interactions a site visitor had from their initial visit until they converted.

A prospect receives a 40% credit in this approach if they find your website through search results (search traffic). The same user returns two days later after seeing a mention of your website on another blog (Referral traffic). They bookmark the page this time and come back to it in two more days (direct traffic). 10% of the credit will go to each of these channels. A week later, the potential customer visits your website once more using Twitter (Social) and requests a demo. After that, Social would be credited 40% of this conversion. Only social media and search engines would have received credit for first-click and last-click.

In summary, multi-channel attribution models illustrate how various channels (as well as marketing strategies) influence conversions at various points in the customer journey. You get an incomplete image without it.

Improved Budget Allocation

You may optimize your spending by knowing the causal correlations between marketing initiatives and conversion rates.

First-click/last-click attribution models highlight one channel’s contribution. This may lead you to draw incorrect conclusions.

For example, based on a first-touch approach, your Facebook ad campaigns perform exceptionally well. You therefore choose to raise the budget. You might be unaware, though, that by addressing “funnel leaks” such as high checkout drop-off rates, better page layout, and other potential causes for page abandonment, you can increase conversion rates and income even more.

Improved Budget Allocation

With Matomo’s funnel reports, you can look into why customers drop off and see how many move on to the next conversion stage.

You may increase both your marketing expenditures (i.e., the funds you set aside for various assets, touchpoints, and campaign types) and marketing velocity (i.e., the speed at which campaign results are visible) by understanding when and why individuals give up on their buying path.

Alternatively, as Dan McGaw, one of the founding fathers of marketing technology, clarified in a webinar:

“With the help of a multi-touch attribution methodology, you may ascertain the return on advertising investment for each campaign individually. You may often reduce it to keywords. On occasion, you can access a plethora of more material, but you soon come to the realization that this campaign is awful. Actually, that’s all it’s about when you say, “I should turn this off.” It involves identifying the ineffective campaigns, stopping them, and allocating the funds to the efforts that are succeeding.

More Accurate Measurements

The main benefit of multi-channel marketing attribution is that it allows you to obtain detailed information on the performance of each asset by allowing you to focus on different funnel elements.

Stated differently, you obtain more precise insights into the many components of customer journeys. However, you need to set up accurate tracking in order to get accurate analytics measures.

Establish your goals first. In what ways do you hope a multi-touch attribution tool can assist you? With the use of multi-channel attribution analysis, you may respond to significant queries like:

  • How many touchpoints do conversions involve?
  • What is the average time it takes for a lead to convert?
  • Which audience segments convert, and where do they do so?
  • What is your typical victory rate across various campaign types?

Which multi-channel modeling strategy will be most effective for your company will depend on your goals, as will the information you must gather.

At the most elevated level, two data points must be gathered:

  • Conversions are desired activities from your prospects, such as a purchase, a sign-up for your newsletter, the filling out of a form, etc. As tracked goals, note them down.
  • Touchpoints: special exchanges that take place between your brand and your intended audience, such as special page visits or traffic that comes from a specific marketing channel. As monitored Events, note them down.

Subsequently, your attribution modeling software will create correlation patterns between the assets (touchpoints) and activities (conversions) that led to them.

However, the quality of the data and the kind of attribution modeling that is employed will determine how accurate these measurements are.

The ability to obtain precise, comprehensive, and full information from several touchpoints is known as data quality. For example, if a user declines to accept cookies, some data will not be accessible (unless you are using a web analytics solution like Matomo that is privacy-focused).

There are inherent drawbacks to different attribution modelling methodologies as well. For example, they are unable to collect visitor-level data or accurately represent the average length of the sales cycle, which is crucial information for determining which client groups convert the best.

Find out more about which multi-channel attribution model is best for your company.

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What are the limitations Multi-Touch Attribution?

All things considered, multi-touch attribution provides a more thorough understanding of the conversion channels. All attribution models, with the exception of custom ones, have preconceived notions on the relative contributions of various channels (e.g., 25%–25%–25%–25% in unbent attribution or 40%–10%–10%–40% in position based attribution). It’s possible that these conversion credit allocations don’t fairly reflect the conditions in your sector.

Furthermore, the majority of attribution models fail to account for additional revenue you receive from current clients who do not convert through channels that have been examined. For instance, an in-app offer can cause an account to upgrade to a higher tier. or an email marketing made through a warranty upsell.

You should also be aware of a few additional restrictions with multi-touch attribution software.

Limited Marketing Mix Analysis

  • Because they obtain the majority of their data from your website analytics app, multi-touch attribution technologies operate in tandem with it. As a result, these models automatically inherit the same visibility into your marketing mix, which is a collection of strategies you employ to sway consumer choices.

Tools for multi-touch attribution are unable to assess the effects of:

  • shadowy social media platforms
  • Oral communication
  • offline marketing activities
  • TV or outdoor advertising campaigns

You will need to gather more data from other systems (CRM, ad height partners, etc.) and develop intricate bespoke analytics models for the data’s analysis if you wish to include it in your multi-attribution reports.

Time-Based Constraints

The majority of analytics software offer an attribution lookback range of up to 90 days. This may be brief for businesses with protracted sales cycles.

Time-Based Constraints

If your attribution window is too brief, marketing channels may go unnoticed or be undervalued. As a result, you can decide to spend less on brand awareness initiatives, which will lower the amount of people who reach the later stages of your funnel.

Many companies would also like to monitor a look-forward window, which is the revenue you anticipate earning from a single customer over the course of their lifetime. In this instance, not all solutions might enable you to accurately record recurring conversions, such as those that occur as a result of repurchases, account tier upgrades, add-ons, upsells, etc.

Once more, you’ll need to know how far into the future you should track conversions in order to have an accurate picture. Will you track customer lifetime value (CLV) over a period of 3, 6, or 12 months, or will you just record your initial sales as a revenue figure?

The latter is more difficult to accomplish. However, CLV data can give your modeling accuracy an additional layer of detail. You can use our visitors’ tracking tool in Matomo to set up this kind of tracking. We can assist you in tracking specific visitors whose identifiers (such as name or email address) are known so you can learn about their visiting habits over time.


Limited Access to raw Data

Unprocessed website visitor information that has not had any filters, segmentation, or sampling applied is referred to as raw data in web analytics.

Analyzing data subsets rather than full records in order to generalize findings to the entire data collection is known as data sampling. Data sampling is implemented by Google Analytics 4 when 500k or more sessions are recorded at the property level. Consequently, machine learning models produce approximations in place of precise, real-time reporting. One of the primary causes of Google Analytics’ accuracy problems is data sampling.

Using sampled data in multi-channel attribution modeling introduces more discrepancies between the reports and the real situation. For example, GA multi-touch analytical reports are based on the 500K sample size, which is just 90% of the obtained data, even when your website has 5 million page views. This can result in poor decision-making because it seldom captures the true impact of all marketing channels.

The aforementioned is never a problem with Matomo. No matter how much traffic a website receives, we never employ data sampling. All of the reports we create, including those with multi-channel attribution, are based entirely on genuine user data.

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AI Application

Conversely, smaller websites frequently have less sample datasets available for use in attribution model construction. It is possible that certain tracking information is unavailable due to the visitor’s rejection of a cookie banner, for example. Less than 50% of users, on average, always agree to all cookies in the US, Australia, France, Germany, Denmark, and other countries.

Some multi-touch attribution solutions use AI algorithms to “fill in the blanks” in order to account for these situations, which affects the reporting accuracy. Once more, you receive approximations of likely events. Nonetheless, in the majority of EU markets, Matomo is legally excluded from displaying a cookie consent banner. In other words, you can get data that is 100% accurate and use it to inform judgments.

Difficult Technical Implementation

As attribution modeling gained popularity in digital marketing, an increasing number of tools have been developed.

Difficult Technical Implementation

Multi-touch attribution reports are included in most online analytics tools. Additionally, there are stand-alone multi-channel attribution tools that provide added functionality like offline channel tracking, data-driven custom modeling, and conversion rate optimization.

The majority of cutting-edge solutions aren’t readily available. Rather, you must install multiple apps, set up integrations with the desired data sources, and then develop new data models using the given interfaces. If you have a data science team or a technical marketer on staff, these options are fantastic. However, smaller teams find them less appealing due to their expensive setup costs and steep learning curve.


The use of multi-touch attribution modeling reveals additional processes that are engaged in different customer journeys. You can better design your campaign types & budget allocations by knowing which touchpoints lead to conversions.

Having said that, in order to reap the benefits of multi-touch attribution modeling, marketers must first do preparatory tasks such as identifying the primary objectives, establishing event and conversion tracking, and ultimately choosing the best attribution model type and tool.

Matomo is a simple yet sophisticated device. We give advertisers recognizable, user-friendly tools to set up conversion tracking all the way up the funnel. Next, create attribution reports using data that is 100% accurate (i.e., no sampling or “guesstimation” is used). Additionally, you may use the raw analytics data to build your own attribution models or import it into another program!


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